Peliculas de terror


  • Película Los extraños
    Los extraños


    "The fact that the plot is based in true events helps a lot to keep you on edge throughout the whole narrative. The story revolves around a couple who is terrorised by a bunch of masked killers. Same as the couple you are set on uncovering the reasons behi"
  • Película Expediente Warren: The Conjuring
    Expediente Warren: The Conjuring


    "I think it’s one of the best haunting themed movies of all times. It brings you the story of the couple of paranormal investigators that tries to help a family whose house appears to have a demonic presence while trying to have the church’s approval for a"
  • Película Expediente Warren: el caso Enfield
    Expediente Warren: el caso Enfield


    "Even better than the 1st one, very good characters, awesome plot with a lot of twists. The demonic nun might very well be the best character of them all. We are back to the story of the two investigators this time around in London where a young girl ends "
  • Película Poltergeist


    "Pretty cool remake. The family moves to a new house where strange events star to occur. When the youngest daughter is taken to the spirits world the family will have to find a way to bring her back. The special effects are dope, quite a few scares in orde"
  • Película Insidious


    "You’ll be glued to this plot while trying to understand a sudden comatose state and the supernatural events that start to happen along with it. This movie is so cool providing u with tons of scares that will increase your heart rate for sure. U will be on"
  • Película Insidious: Capítulo 2
    Insidious: Capítulo 2


    "The family is ready to return to normal but a possession will make that hard to achieve so soon. The past must be investigated in order to save the future. This movie is as good as the first one, you’ll have plenty of surprises and plenty of new elements "
  • Película Insidious: Capítulo 3
    Insidious: Capítulo 3


    "A prequel, the story of a young woman who wants to reach her mom in the world of the dead. In my opinion after this whole story goes south this movie becomes much more darker and scary than the other 2. The demons are meaner & much more terrifying. Leave "
  • Película It (Eso)
    It (Eso)


    "Perfect remake, the cast is brilliantly good from the kids to the scary clown Pennywise. Your guaranteed to jump from your seat quite a few times. No doubt that it honours the mastery of Stephen King’s mind. We all float down "
  • Película It: Capítulo 2
    It: Capítulo 2


    "In this sequel we get to see the horrific clown coming back same as our heroes now all grown up, no longer the kids he once met. They are set on ending his reign of terror once and for all but for that they will to face their fears and a lot of terrorisin"
  • Película 60 minutos para morir (Escape Room)
    60 minutos para morir (Escape Room)


    "Un grupo de amigos de ve envuelto en este juego en donde tendrán que resolver algunos acertijos para poder ser liberados/💛💛💛"