Things I dislike 🤷


  • Canción Dance Monkey
    Dance Monkey


    "I really don't like this song. I've read a discussion online on whether this is a one hit wonder or not and I'm on the "yes" side | Não gosto nada desta música. Li uma discussão online sobre se a artista é uma artista de um só êxito ou não e estou virada "
  • Canción Havana (feat. Young Thug)
    Havana (feat. Young Thug)


    "Nope. Don't like it. | Nope. Não gosto."
  • Canción Señorita


    "Don't like this song...or maybe I just don't like Camila Cabello's style, I have to listen to other song os her albums to figure it out | Não gosto desta música...ou secalhar não gosto do estilo da Camila Cabello, tenho que ouvir mais músicas dela para en"
  • Canción sweetener


    "The repetition part messes everything up. The song would be perfect if it weren't for that part... | A parte da repetição estraga a música completamente. Ela seria perfeita se não houvesse essa parte... (And then you get it, get it, get it, get it, hit it"
  • Moda Socks and sandals
    Socks and sandals


    "I mean, it used to be considered stupid, now it's fashionable...i don't like it but if you do, you do you i guess | Costumava ser considerado estúpido, agora é continuo a não gostar mas se tu sim, faz o que quiseres acho eu"
  • Videojuegos Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons


    "I don't like animal crossing...please don't hurt me | Não gosto de animal crossing...por favor não me façam mal..."
  • Película Vivarium


    "This is a terrible movie, it's a waste of your time! Watch something else! | É um filme terrível, uma perda de tempo! Vai ver outra coisa qualquer! "
  • Película Artemis Fowl
    Artemis Fowl


    "This movie had a lot of potential but it's all over the place...some of the characters in the movie could've been cut out and it wouldn't make a difference! The only reason I don't think it was a waste of time because I found out that it was supposed to be based on a book, which caught my interest!"