Everyone who knows me knows I'm an anime enthusiast, I love anime, especially old ones! Here you'll find my recomendations and rates of animes I think are the greatest and worth watching!
"10/10. I was rejecting this anime for so long... Honestly, you should watch it. I know it looks childish but actually it's not, it's pretty great i loved it. "
"It's a movie, but it's worth it, very bizarre, if you're into that go ahead"
"8/10 This one is great! I love the concept and especially the vibrant backgrounds! For those who watched Carole & Tuesday the backgrounds are similarly beautiful and full with vibrant colors, i love that about both of them! Waiting for the 3rd season! "
"10/10 oh gosh... What can I say about this one? It's beautifully tragic! It shows the everyday worries of japanese society experiencing huge earthquakes, on an extreme level! What if Japan sinks?? I cried my a** off with this one, it's definitely worth watching"