🍿Top 10 Recommend


  • Película El árbol de la vida
    El árbol de la vida


    "“The Tree of Life” - This movie raises rhetorical questions such as the meaning of life, problems of identity and socialization and the universal struggle of fathers and sons. "
  • Película Synecdoche, New York
    Synecdoche, New York


    "“Synecdoche, New York” - The director, Charlie Kaufman, was nicknamed American Kafka for his “search of deep meaning”. He blurred the boundaries between fiction and reality and granted us with his own world of brilliant thoughts and mixed emotions."
  • Película ¡Olvídate de mí!
    ¡Olvídate de mí!


    "“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” - a movie with Jim Carrey about forgetting."
  • Película No es país para viejos
    No es país para viejos


    "“No Country for Old Men” - This Coen brothers movie has a fairly simple gangster movie plot but it will definitely grab you and won’t let go until the very last minute. Sit there with your eyes open and periodically shutter in surprise."
  • Película Melancolía


    "“Melancholia” - Is the second movie of a trilogy by Von Trier. The world is coming to its catastrophic end while Melancholia, a blue planet, is hurtling towards the Earth. Or maybe... Lars Von Trier just meant the depression, denial and melancholia we all"
  • Película Adiós pequeña, adiós
    Adiós pequeña, adiós


    "“Gone Baby Gone” - Imagine a situation in which you’re struggling very hard to find out an elusive truth about something, but when you finally get closer to it, you wish you never knew it and that you were kept in the dark of unawareness."
  • Película Boyhood (Momentos de una vida)
    Boyhood (Momentos de una vida)


    "“Boyhood” - The movie was shot intermittently from 2002 to 2013. It depicts the life story of Mason, from his early childhood days to his arrival at college. The movie leaves a strong aftertaste that one may find it almost too personal."
  • Película Interstellar


    "“Interstellar” - A beautiful movie full of stunning views, sandy scenes and a giant wave rolling in. The movie addresses modern issues of mankind. If you are into long space journeys, investigations of frozen planets, philosophy in general, this is your m"
  • Película Un tipo serio
    Un tipo serio


    "“A Serious Man” creates an atheistic world that puts the question of faith and religion in the center of their work. It imagines what our life would be if everybody just stopped where they were and started waiting for help from above."
  • Película Las vidas posibles de Mr. Nobody
    Las vidas posibles de Mr. Nobody


    "“Mr. Nobody” - A movie about the last man on Earth. Beautiful."