Drama/ Romance ❤️


  • Película A dos metros de ti
    A dos metros de ti


    "Break out the tissues, this is a beautiful movie with such a powerful message. A beautiful love story, that will make your heart pound till the end. "
  • Película Más allá del tiempo
    Más allá del tiempo


    "Captivating plot, an original romance full of twists and turns. Beautiful and involving, you will love and suffer along with these characters. "
  • Película Mary Shelley
    Mary Shelley


    "If you want to know how she got inspired to write her masterpiece Frankenstein this movie illustrates it perfectly. Also guides u through her 1st love"
  • Película La duquesa
    La duquesa


    "An epoch movie, the struggle of a character that needs passion in her life in a time when such is not that valued. Keira is amazing in this movie "
  • Película Tolkien


    "Every fan of Tolkien’s work must see this movie. You’ll get to know this amazing author’s early life, his hardships. His circle of friends & their strong friendship was so well portrayed. His love story is inspiring & beautiful. You’ll get to see how is m"
  • Película Dallas Buyers Club
    Dallas Buyers Club


    "An outstanding performance from Matthew McConaughey. An amazing view into the struggle for survival of one man who had been diagnosed with AIDS in the 80’s. It’s fascinating to watch the way he fights in order to work around the system in order to extend "
  • Película El día que vendrá
    El día que vendrá


    "The story follows the struggles of a couple that just arrived to Hamburgo after the destruction of WW 2. They end up sharing the house with the previous owner and his daughter. This creates a considerable tension and eventually grows to become much more c"
  • Película After: En mil pedazos
    After: En mil pedazos


    "Im a fan of the books and to be honest the first movie was not one of my favourites. On the other hand this one is very much to my liking no doubt, now much more insync with the books, loved the script much much better now 👌"
  • Película Mujercitas


    "Very good movie, the characters are so rich and captivating which is only helped by the amazing cast. The story of these women is so enticing especially the main character’s struggle as a writer and a woman in a time where women had different roles in society far from being recognised as she wished "
  • Película Lady Bird
    Lady Bird


    "Very cool movie to watch the main character is very interesting and her relationships along the plot are very well constructed 👌"