Shades Of Magic Boxed Set


Recomendado por 10 usuarios
    One of my favorite fantasy trilogies ever! Love the characters and the world is so well constructed! Also this special box is WONDERFUL, the covers are so beautiful and well done, the box is very rigid, different from other boxes i bought previously. Super recommend it!
    One of my favorite fantasy trilogies ever! Love the characters and the world is so well constructed! Also this special box is WONDERFUL, the covers are so beautiful and well done, the box is very rigid, different from other boxes i bought previously. Super recommend it!
    Ansiosa por ler esta saga (imagem retirada de!! Já ouvi maravilhas sobre ela e estou muito curiosa para conhecer a história eheh Podem adquirir/ver os livros através do link - basta clicar em "Comprar" 📚
    Si les gusta la fantasía no se deben perder esta trilogía, denle una oportunidad y no solo se enamoraran del libro sino de la autora