Turtles All The Way Down


Recomendado por 141 usuarios
    Turtles All The Way Down (Mil Veces Hasta Siempre) by John Green. (2017) Novela que trata sobre el monólogo interno de Aza, cuenta cómo ella va avanzando cómo persona. Experimentás perfectamente las crisis de ansiedad que tiene. El libro me gustó mucho, me pareció intenso, divertido y especial.
    I love this book. As a person with OCD I was really happy because I could relate myself with the character. It’s good feeling like I’m not alone.
    "We never really talked much or even looked at each other, but it didn't matter because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe even more intimate than eye contact anyway. I mean, anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone w
    This book is so amazing, I remember feeling excited when I read this.
    It has a powerful message, but for what John Green got us used to it has a lazy writing 7/10

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