

Recomendado por 8 usuarios
    Erice is a small medieval town located on the top of the mountain of the same name some 750 metres above sea level in the Province of Trapani in eastern Sicily. It was founded by exiles from Troy who discovered the perfect location in which to live until the Roman conquest in 244 B.C.
    One of my favorite places in the world. In the province of Trapani in the top of the San Giuliano Mount. The view is just amazing from the top you can find a lot of traditional places to it in the village. History far beyond my imagination. Everyone should know this amazing place! 💜💜🥺
    Un pueblo mágico, al que subimos en teleférico con unas vistas de la ciudad de abajo, Trapani, increíbles ✨🇮🇹
    Pueblecito medieval y pintoresco en lo alto de una montaña al que ir a dar un largo paseo. Se puede llegar en teleférico desde Trapani.

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