

  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "It's the fall of 1984, about a year after Will Byers was found, and he has been plagued by seeing visions of the Upside Down featuring a more dangerous monster. That leads the boy to see a suspiciously friendly new doctor, with the possibility that Will's visions are the result of suffering from PTS"
  • Serie Marvel - Daredevil
    Marvel - Daredevil


    "Blinded by an accident in which he was involved as a young man, Matt Murdock fights injustice by day as a lawyer and at night as the superhero Daredevil, in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City."
  • Serie BoJack Horseman
    BoJack Horseman


    "BoJack Horseman, an anthropomorphic horse, was the protagonist of Horsin' Around, a sitcom that aired with much success in the 1990s. Twenty years later, BoJack wants to start a new phase of his life and career."