Games for dogs


  • Producto Trixie Dog Activity
    Trixie Dog Activity


    "This will keep your dogs mind active and engaged. It's important for dogs to do things like this to keep a healthy mind."
  • Producto Trixie Dog Activity Snack Roll
    Trixie Dog Activity Snack Roll


    "This is used to keep a dogs focus and engage their mind. The dogs simply roll the toy with their nose or paws and treats fall out as a reward. It's very simple, but very effective."
  • Producto Trixie Dog Activity Turn Around
    Trixie Dog Activity Turn Around


    "This dog game is a little more difficult, but once they get the hang of it it's very fun and engaging. The dog tilts the cups and treats fall out and the cup moves back into place. "
  • Producto Sniff Diggy™ Fun Mental Stimulation Nose Work Mat Confetti 
    Sniff Diggy™ Fun Mental Stimulation Nose Work Mat Confetti 


    "This has become increasingly popular for dogs. You place a fee treats in the mat and the dog sniffs them out. It's simple and fun. It let's dogs work their mind and nose. I'm sure it can work for cats too😉 Prices depend on the retailer. "