Action movies


  • Película Bad Boys for Life
    Bad Boys for Life


  • Película Fast & Furious 7
    Fast & Furious 7


    "Since I remember I love this movie Not because of the history but because of the relationship of the actors and the characters they play! "
  • Película Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
    Lara Croft: Tomb Raider


    "If you like action this movie is really good and I think better than the new one..."
  • Película Baby Driver
    Baby Driver


    " I love the main character... I wish I cloud be like him in real life! NOT giving a FUCK for a bunch of stuff!"
  • Película Brick Mansions (La fortaleza)
    Brick Mansions (La fortaleza)


    "Last movie that Paul walker completed alive... its a great action movie and for the ones who like fast and furious saga will enjoy this as well!"
  • Película Wonder Woman
    Wonder Woman


    "Really great movie and the actress makes it even BETTER!"
  • Película Burn Out
    Burn Out


    "This one is original from Netflix LOVE THE ACTION IN HERE!! It’s to good and should be a second one really! If you love motorcycles you NEED to see it"
  • Película Sin salida: Waist Deep
    Sin salida: Waist Deep


    "Great action Movie I love this kind of movie it keeps me awake the fun never ends for simple because we have Tyrese Gibson on the movie!"