great books from unusual countries


  • Libro A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
    A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier


    "This book is an autobiography - it will tell you how a happy and regular kid born and raised in Sierra Leone, a poor African country, ended up becoming a soldier child during an intense civil war that took place in the 90's. It can be a really sad and harsh read, but it's 100% worth it. "
  • Libro Radical: My Journey Out of Islamist Extremism
    Radical: My Journey Out of Islamist Extremism


    "Now this is another GREAT autobiography. Maajid Nawaz is a British man whose parents are Pakistanis immigrants. The book tells you about how he came to be an Islam extremist and how he backed away from it years later. It's a really well written story, it makes you think how big this world really is."
  • Libro And The Mountains Echoed
    And The Mountains Echoed


    "Okay, so this is one of the greatest fiction books that I've ever read. It's a fast read with light words, but really meaningful characters and situations - I cried way more than I'd like to admit. Plus, it's an Afghani setting and you'll learn a lot about their interesting culture along the way! "
  • Libro A Thousand Splendid Suns
    A Thousand Splendid Suns


    "This is one of the most moving and emotional books I've ever read. Along with reading about the story of 2 Afghani women and their sexist environment, you'll also learn a lot about Afghani culture and the power that women can demonstrate even under oppressing circumstances. Great, SUPER book. "
  • Libro Nihonjin


    "Agora essa é pros brasileiros - e amigos, QUE livro. Conta a história simples e, mesmo assim, comovente de uma família japonesa que veio para o sudeste brasileiro trabalhar em uma lavoura de café. No começo, pode ser um pouco parado para alguns leitores com pressa - mas confia que a história é boa!"
  • Libro The Kite Runner
    The Kite Runner


    "Of course this book is on the list! It's a really great and moving book about a rich Afghani boy and his poor friend. The book is full of really moving and sometimes shocking scenes that will make you somewhat addicted to the story - and rightly so. It's such a great story that there's a movie too! "
  • Libro Please Look After Mom
    Please Look After Mom


    "This is a really touching book about an old South Korean lady who got lost in Seoul after arriving at the city from the countryside. Her family tries to frenetically look for her everywhere and each one of them tells their version of the story. ⚠️ Cry a lot warning! ⚠ "