ppl I follow :)


Here I post the creators of the content I enjoy watching so you can check them out and support :) aquí subo los creadores de contenido que me entretiene ver para que os paséis por su perfil y si queréis , le apoyéis :)
  • Moda Vinnie Hacker. Such a nice guy with the best personality!!
    Vinnie Hacker. Such a nice guy with the best personality!!


    "I created this section to recommend channels, ig acc etc so you can support them! I've been following vinnie for the last 2 months and I love his content, go n support him rn! "
  • Moda Mattia Polibio
    Mattia Polibio


    "Joven de Nueva Jersey que se dedica a hacer tiktoks y subir vídeos a YouTube. Me encanta su contenido y su personalidad, seguro que te saca una sonrisa :) "