
Antonio Oliveira

1 Seguidores6 Seguidos
  • Película Jojo Rabbit
    Jojo Rabbit


    "What a great movie. Taika watiti is already a win, in my opinion, all his movies are extremely funny. But this movie does so much more, it's not just funny, it has real heart and a timeless message that is sure to make you smile! Hard recomend"
  • Videojuegos Bully


    "A game where you play the bully in a very rough school, in a criminally infested town. It has a strange way to endear you to such a "bad" protagonist, he's just doing what he can to survive, if anything it teaches you to be better. The gameplay is very fun and inventive, always keeps you entertained"
  • Libro Dragon Ball nº 01/34
    Dragon Ball nº 01/34


    "The start of one of the best mangas of all time. Already said why in my description of the anime. Don't be fooled by appearances, this isn't just punches and screams. Great comedy and a real heart to it. A must read for any manga lover"
  • Serie Dragon Ball Movies
    Dragon Ball Movies


    "One of the best manga of all time. Not just punches and screams like most think. OG dragon ball is extremely funny and has real heart. You're missing out by not watching it. A must watch/read"
  • Canción Dance Monkey
    Dance Monkey


    "One of the most inventive pop songs in a while. One of the best mixtures of pop and EDM the radio has ever seen. The pop build up that ends in a very minimal chorus is anything but a stroke of genius. And it genuinly makes you move!"