
Ingrid Buil

6 Seguidores5 Seguidos
  • App Avatan - Photo Editor, Retouch
    Avatan - Photo Editor, Retouch


    "Did you took a picture but you dont like your background? Or do you want another lightning for you pic? This app can settle a huge natural effects to transform your pic into a better one"
  • App Nike Training Club
    Nike Training Club


    "Doesnt matter if you are a biginner or an athlet, this app is amazing to do all kind of exercises. You can choose your routine and do it at the same time an expert teaches you how to do it."
  • App Fight List - Categories Game
    Fight List - Categories Game


    "Compite con tus amgios para saber quien es capaz de poner mas palabras sobre un tema en 30 segundos!"
  • App 2gether


    "Esta aplicación te ingresa 10€ por solo inscribirte. Si consigues que otras personas se inscriban conseguiras 10€ tu, y aquel o aquella que se haya inscrito con el link. Podeis ingresar el dinero via paypal para evitar fraudes. Es una aplicacion de compra y venta asi que si sabeis del tema mejor!"
  • App Club VIPS: Promos y pedidos
    Club VIPS: Promos y pedidos


    "You just need to create an account and you will recive a lot of offers and sales for trade them in food companies. Would you like to enjoy an Starbucks for just 1€? This is your app"
  • App 21 Buttons: Fashion Network
    21 Buttons: Fashion Network


    "You share your outifts, post them in your profile and let the others check them. If they like it, you will receive an amount of money for each clothe consulted."
  • App TV Time: Track Shows & Movies
    TV Time: Track Shows & Movies


    "This app is useful for counting your series episodes and films. If you want to know where you can watch a new season, the episodes that it has or ratings, thats your app. Share with your friends your favourite series."
  • Libro Algo tan sencillo como darte un beso
    Algo tan sencillo como darte un beso


    "Si te gusta identificarte con problemas adolescentes, este es tu libro ideal. Amor, sexo, drogas, amigos..."
  • App Lifesum: Diet & Macro Tracker
    Lifesum: Diet & Macro Tracker


    "App recommended from a lot of nutricional experts. A lot of models are following it’s plans! You can choose either lose body fat or improve you muscles and more options. You can scan your food code and it will count your intake calories and nutrients! It counts your burned calories"
  • App JEFIT Workout Planner Gym Log
    JEFIT Workout Planner Gym Log


    "This app is AMAZING for either create your own sport routine (you can select the body muscle that you want to train, and it shows you an amount of exercise to do at the gym or at home) or follow some routines recommended from a gymtrainer! "