
Jack Diamond

5 Seguidores1 Seguidos
  • Canción Drag Me Out
    Drag Me Out


    "The return of the frontman and singer, Shaforostov. You can definetly hear an evolution and an improvement from his last band. The voice delivered on that is so melodic which do a great contrast between the drums and the riff, that mix is just insane. The whole track is a perfect rock hit. "
  • Canción Ludens


    "Hideo Kojima should be proud. I can say that we are all impressed and amazed from the stunning song BMTH delivered. No one was ready. This is the best hook I heard in 2019. Oliver just did and amazing job returning to screams. The riff also fits perfectly in the track. Truly Recommended."
  • Canción Drugs


    "Ronnie Radke. The goat. No one can deliver a better combination of great rock, solid rap and an incredible semi-screamo hook. The voice’s energy just makes you wanna jump. The melody follows the voice like it was born to it. This needs to be in your playlist! What an outstanding track."
  • Canción Saints of the Blood
    Saints of the Blood


    "Honestly, this song made me a fan. I only can say good things to this amazing and genuinely well done track. The energy and the vibe that Andy’s voice pulls out can revive a dead! The riff is also amazing, and the chorus as the best tool of the group, makes a perfect combination! Great Masterpiece. "
  • Canción Drag the Lake
    Drag the Lake


    "Putting it in simple words, the best track they released yet. The variation of the vocals in this songs are just incredible, the background music accompanied the feeling of the song, making it an instant hit. I would like to do a special mention to the drums on this, they’re great. Truly Recommended"
  • Canción Burning Out
    Burning Out


    "Bad Omens. This is an example of the music level they can deliver, I’m not afraid to say that this is one of his bests songs. The melody and the riff makes the whole song reach the hook just melting your hears with the stunning voice of the Frontman and lead singer Noah Sebastian,Truly recommended. "
  • Canción Subhuman


    "What can I say from this great song? Attila just showed what they can do if they jump up to the rock mainstream hit. The hook is hella catchy and I secure you that it will be stuck at your head for a long time! Just outperformed the whole track, they only can have my reverence."
  • Canción Control and The Urge to Pray
    Control and The Urge to Pray


    "One of the last and greatest songs of Saosin! With the comeback of their frontman and lead singer, Anthony Green, the band just reached their best sound just evolving to something else than just a Alternative Rock Band. Definitely needs to be in your playlist, truly recommended."
  • Canción Warrior Inside
    Warrior Inside


    "Just the vibes, as the title can preview, are insane. This track will let you do anything you want, gives you the perfect energy to archive whatever you want. Rocking this in your way to the gym is just perfect to give you the effort to complete your routine! Amazing song from Leader. "
  • Canción Ricochet


    "One of the best songs I’ve heard! Just the feeling and the emotions on this track are just insane. This will let you remember all your middle orange failures and just fall in tears with the vibe in it. A truly piece of art delivered by the well known genius Starset."