Mining sites and Apps


  • Moda Easy mining, legit and paying!
    Easy mining, legit and paying!


    "You can invest or mine without investing on that site, just follow the link. It allows to use one IP per house, so if you register 2 devices from the same IP, you will get blocked..."
  • App Pi app
    Pi app


    "This app mines Pi but does not drain your phone's battery, it runs even when your phone is not in use or off, but you must check the mining function once a day, to see if you left it on...."
  • App Midoin app
    Midoin app


    "This is another mining app that is great. It does not use your battery and all you must do is check the automining function, once a day, to see if it is running."
  • Moda Cryptotab Browser
    Cryptotab Browser


    "This browser will mine Satoshis for you, and you can browse and surf on other sites while earning your Cryptocurrencies."