Movies LGBTQ+


recent and old movies to watch with love or alone and 🍿🍫
  • Película Conquista a medias
    Conquista a medias


    "Movie released in 2020 on Netflix. Tells the story of a girl who discovers new love through letters"
  • Película Elisa y Marcela
    Elisa y Marcela


    "Released in 2019, present on Netflix. a romantic drama that shows that nothing is impossible when you love."
  • Película La (des)educación de Cameron Post
    La (des)educación de Cameron Post


    "In 2018 released this movie that tells the story of a gay girl who in 1993 was forced into a boarding school for her "cure""
  • Película Con amor, Simon
    Con amor, Simon


    "To be a landmark in Hollywood studios in 2018 this romantic drama comedy is released. Based on the book "Simon vs. a agenda Homo Sapiens" and I can tell you about many gay boys at that age."