
Steven Garcia

56 Seguidores19 Seguidos
  • Película Spirit, el corcel indomable
    Spirit, el corcel indomable


    "One of the best animated movies ever. It shows you the true identity of freedom, love, and friendship. Is amazing."
  • Serie Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
    Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic


    "Great. Lots of magic and crazy people. Very entertaining."
  • Serie Castlevania


    "On point. One of the best I’ve watched. All types of monstrosities going on. Also there’s a new season coming out May 13. "
  • Serie Paradise Police
    Paradise Police


    "Another messed up show. Funny to another level."
  • Serie Padre de familia
    Padre de familia


    "Amazing show. Is so messed up in so many ways that is really funny."
  • Serie El legado de Júpiter
    El legado de Júpiter


    "Just came out today and can’t wait to watch it. It seems to be like a twisted justice league with a lot of bad actions and regrets. Watch the trailer and I promise you, you’ll want to see the whole show after. It also involves a lot of family issues. "
  • Serie Kimetsu no Yaiba: Guardianes de la Noche
    Kimetsu no Yaiba: Guardianes de la Noche


    "Amazing anime. Out of this world. Lots of action, fighting and badass moments."
  • Serie Bruja Escarlata y Visión
    Bruja Escarlata y Visión


    "If you like marvel this is a great show to watch on Disney. It has a lot of unexpected moments and it opens a lot of opportunities to the MCU. "
  • Serie Invencible


    "Great show is very dark and there is a lot of killing blood and so on is really good. Go watch it in Amazon Prime"
  • Serie The Witcher
    The Witcher


    "This Netflix Tv show is amazing. A lot of different creatures and different types of magic, is the best. When it came out it was one of the most watched in Netflix."