Mortal Kombat Trilogy


Recomendado por 22 usuarios
Mortal Kombat Trilogy features the same gameplay and story as Mortal Kombat 3, but adds characters and stages from the other three arcade games, including Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Some completely new characters were also introduced. New additions to the game included the "Aggressor" bar, a meter that fills during the course of the match and temporarily makes a player character faster and stronger. It also features the Brutality, a long combination of attacks that ends with the opponent exploding....
    Sin duda MK Trilogy PS One incomparable yo aún soy invencible jugando con noot saibot
    Miss this game
    Um dos melhores M.K de toda a série M.K ☺
    Aun recuerdo a mi hermana llorando pq no podia pasar del 3 nivel ajjaja
    Si bien, mortal kombat 3 fue el primer bajón de la franquicia, habían muchos sistemas muy pulidos en esta entrega, como el de los combos, las animaciones, escenarios y un subjefe casi que invencible, recomendado

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