

Recomendado por 7 usuarios
Let me introduce myself. I'm Pitfall Harry, veteran jungle explorer. Fortune hunting's my game, and yours, too, if you're daring enough to take this trip with me. Don't be nervous; I'll be your guide through the jungle, and I'm one of the best. Untold riches are waiting for us in there, but so are dangers a dozen times over. We'll be swinging on vines over bottomless tarpits. We'll be hopping across swamps, using crocodile heads like stepping stones. We'll be searching underground through dark passageways crawling with killer scorpions. So pack up your backpack and meet me at the jungle at dawn - and we'll be off to seek a king's ransom in gold, diamonds and lost treasures - in Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure....
    Watch out for the scorpion!
    8/10 antes no entendía porque este es un título tan reconocido de la atari hasta que lo pude jugar y comprobar que si es un juego bastante entretenido y muy bien logrado para el año en el que fué hecho
    Este jogo fez história na Atari, simplesmente maravilhoso (na altura) e viciante !!! Like Like Like Like Like Like Like Like Like...

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