Pro Evolution Soccer 5


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The Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (often just PES5) box-art features Chelsea's John Terry and Barcelona's (Arsenal's at the time) Thierry Henry. The game was available for PC, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The game had a much slower pace than its predecessors which surprised and angered many PES fans but was welcomed by others who thought 4 was too fast. However it was the first to introduce the online mode on all consoles. The game was infamous for the referee halting play for very tedious fouls....
    Si bien no tenía los derechos de algunos equipos o jugadores, lo cierto es que este juego nos presento mejores gráficos y un sistema de juego más fluido que la competencia... Siendo este un regalo para los fans del fútbol que pudimos experimentar lo que era un verdadero salto generacional.
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