The Godfather: Blackhand Edition


Recomendado por 1 usuario
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, is the highest rated version of The Godfather on Gamerankings and IGN, despite not faring as well with other publications. It features 20 normal missions, ten new hit missions, a new rival family seen only in the new hit missions, rooftop battles, new favors, and other methods such as blackmail and bribery. The Blackhand Edition adds a second path that the player may take through the game, that of the operator. The main method of progression is by blackmailing police, the FBI or members of other families, and what the player does or says affects the outcome. While the enforcer's goal is to destroy the other families through brute force, the operator's is to blackmail the police chiefs of the five boroughs by finding enough "dirt" on them during missions. The player then blackmails the chiefs, enabling the bribe gauge to fill to the top for free every time the player talks to the chief, effectively allowing the player to take control of the...
    La mezcla perfecta entre las películas de El Padrino y los juegos de GTA

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