The Walking Dead: A New Frontier


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The Walking Dead: A New Frontieris an episodic graphic adventure game based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is Telltale's third season of its The Walking Dead series. The game employs the same narrative structure as the past seasons, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first two seasons and the additional episode "400 Days" carry over into the third season. Clementine, who was the player's companion during the first season and the player-character in season two returns as a player-character along with another player-character, Javier "Javi" Garcia. The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with the zombie apocalypse having occurred. The main characters of the game are original characters, however due to time skips in season two and between seasons two and three, the timeline is caught up to ...
    Não joguei, mas vi um youtuber muito querido jogando e deu até inveja
    Meu segundo jogo favorito,amei ele,todos são bom porém esse é o meu favorito
    Muy buen juego
    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier es la siguiente entrega de esta serie de videojuegos de The Walking Dead dirigida por Teattle Games. En esta nueva entrega nos presentan una nueva historia de inicio desde la perspectiva de otro personaje. El juego esta muy bueno y muy entretenido
    Otro the walking dead El cual te dejará con ganas de más.

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